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Convention Booths have
If you would like to explore additional ways to stay involved,
visit the Sponsorship tab above.
Questions? We are happy help call 515.244.7502 or email at

Who Attends?

Who Exhibits?

Exhibitor FAQ
What discounts are available?
Glad you asked! Save by reserving your booth(s) before
June 12, after this date the regular booth rate applies.
AIA Iowa Allied Members also receive a discount, if you
are not an Allied Member and would like to become one
to receive the discount as well as many other benefits visit before you reserve your booth(s).
Can I sponsor the Convention?
Of course! From Keynote speakers, Awards Celebration, to the Cocktail Party. We have a sponsorship for every budget. Click here for info.
Who can I contact for more information?
Give us a call and we are happy to answer any questions at 515.244.7502 or email at
Cancellation/Refunds Requests:
Requests for cancellation, either full or partial, must be made in writing and sent either by registered or certified mail. No refunds will be made to requests postmarked on or after June 28. No refund may be made for space that is unused during all or part of the exhibition. Should space remain unoccupied at the opening of the exhibit, AIA Iowa may rent or use it without obligation of a refund. No refunds of booth deposits will be given if AIA Iowa deems it necessary to adapt the event format for the safety of attendees. By signing up as an exhibitor you agree to adhere to AIA Iowa’s rules and regulations for this year’s event. For questions or concerns please contact us at

Past Exhibitors

Questions? Contact Us
American Institute of Architects, Iowa Chapter
400 Locust St., Ste. 100
Des Moines, IA 50309
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri:
8:00 am – 4:30 pm
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